Support MHCI+D

The MHCID graduate program is a self-sustaining, fee-based program, fully funded each year by the tuition paid by each year’s students. In order to enrich our activities, provide scholarship support, and expand our impact, we rely on additional sources of revenue. Your gift can help us provide additional activities and support for students above and beyond the basics. You can make a difference!

You can support MHCI+D by making a gift to one of two funds:

The MHCI+D Program Fund supports Master of Human-Computer Interaction + Design program activities including workshops and receptions for professional development, networking, travel, and recruitment.

Make a Gift to the Program Fund

The MHCI+D Student Fund provides financial assistance directly to graduate students enrolled in the Human-Computer Interaction + Design (MHCI+D) program.

Make a Gift to the Student Fund