Career Development for MHCI+D Students

As a student in the MHCI+D Program, your main focus is on coursework and learning as much as possible in the one year you are here. Building your skills and knowledge during the program is the single most important means of preparing for your career.

In addition to coursework, we offer a number of career development activities throughout the year:

Portfolio Class: A dedicated spring quarter elective centered on improving your portfolio in preparation for the coming job search.

Job Search Skill-building Workshops: Informal workshops through winter, spring and summer quarters to prepare for the nuts and bolts of conducting your job search. Topics may include: company research, elevator pitch, resume, portfolio, interviewing practice, whiteboard challenges, and negotiating a job offer.

Alumni Mentoring: Drawing on our close-knit network of alumni, students are matched with an alum to provide advice and feedback throughout the year and to give perspective on how to make the most of the program and how to navigate the job search.

Alumni Panels: Periodic formal and informal gatherings of alumni to discuss career topics of interest.

Career Conference: In early summer, a dedicated conference bringing together industry recruiters  and hiring managers to meet students and offer job search advice.

Critiques from Industry Professionals: We regularly bring in industry professionals to offer advice and join in crits of project presentations. In addition, each capstone team has an industry sponsor or adviser to guide their project and offer an outside perspective.

One-on-one advising: Individual appointments with MHCI+D staff to discuss job search and career plans.

Beyond MHCI+D

Beyond MHCI+D itself, a wide variety of resources are available for career development and the job search.

DUB: Bringing together the broader UW HCI community of faculty and students, “DUB” or “Design Use Build” is the MHCI+D program’s founding organization. DUB holds weekly seminars, an annual retreat, and a chance to network with others from a wide range of disciplines, programs, and departments.

UW Career & Internship Center: The campus-wide career center offers workshops, industry and employer information sessions and other events nearly daily. They also organize career fairs throughout the year that offer a chance to connect with hundreds of employers.

Seattle HCI community: Beyond campus, Seattle has a vibrant HCI scene, with hundreds of professionals working in the field at local companies. UX Meetups, hackathons and conferences offer students nearly daily opportunities to get to know their future colleagues.

A few of the more active organizations include: